The Urgent Heart's Shout To The Entire Human Family

11 months ago

The greatest longing of the human heart is to know Truth Itself. Not the mere “facts” of any given situation, but the ultimate Truth, the truth of our very being and existence, the truth that liberates us from all ignorance and suffering. Such is Truth for Real.

Throughout His lifetime (1939–2008), Avatar Adi Da Samraj was passionately devoted to communicating this Truth to the world — and to establishing the eternal means whereby all human beings can Realize the ultimate Truth, and thus be set free.

In The Lion Sutra, the Divinely-Realized Adept Avatar Adi Da Samraj calls on the reader to transcend the "disease of separation and seeking" that is the egoic self, and to "Swoon in Consciousness Itself." This book is the most concise presentation of Adi Da's "Radical" Argument -- "Seeking and attaining are a Total loss, and loss itself is the Only discovery of gain" and a direct and uncompromising invitation to self-transcendence and Divine Self-Realization.

Tp purchase "The Lion Sutra"(The Da Love-Ananda Gita), Please visit:

Below are a few of Adi Da's Quotes:

I also Teach the walls, the trees, the dogs. It is not that I Give a verbal Teaching to them. My Communication to them is non-verbal.

Because It Is Reality Itself, My Divine Avataric Teaching-Revelation and My Divine Avataric Transcendental Spiritual Self-Transmission are usable and Realizable by all beings, and even by every "thing"—including something as apparently inert as a wall, or a room, or a building. . .

Human beings tend to make overly much of My Teaching-Revelation as a verbal matter—as something with which to entertain their minds. My Teaching-Revelation is actually a process, not merely a verbal Communication. My Teaching-Revelation Is the process of "radical" devotion and right life that Is "Perfect Knowledge"—because that entire process is in devotional Communion with Me, transcending (and Free-Standing, Always Prior to) the "point of view" (or conditionally and psycho-physically "located") position.

The dog in My House can do it. So can you.

My verbal Address is certainly usable to human beings. Because human beings exercise the verbal mind, the verbal mind must be Addressed by Me. However, if you merely "think about" My verbal Address, you are wasting your life in the "talking school".

The Process of Divine Avataric Self-Realization is of a Perfectly (or Always Priorly) egoless Transcendental Spiritual Nature. If you understand what the Reality-Way of Adidam is about, then you will apply yourself and adapt quickly, and look to mature in the process readily. There are real requirements, to be sure, and they are not to be compromised—but they can be fulfilled by anyone.

- Avatar Adi Da Samraj, ""I Am Perfectly Beyond The East and Perfectly Free In The West", Part 20, The Aletheon

"In the Ancient Walk-About Way, there were not any Teachings. Long ago, there was not even the context of language in which to articulate Teachings. Teachings were not the point. The Realizer was the point — recognizing the Realizer — and that is all.

The Spiritual Master is the Teaching, as I have Said. I Am the Teaching. Those who devotionally recognize Me are living the Reality-Way of Adidam. It does not matter how many books I have Written that they read. Mere study of My Divine Avataric Teaching-Word cannot change anyone if it is looked at in the context of ordinary ego-bound functioning."

- Avatar Adi Da Samraj, October 20, 2008

"If people do not respond to Me, on the basis of devotionally recognizing Me, they are merely responding to My Words — and that is not the basis for right practice of the Reality-Way of Adidam. . . .

If you reduce Me, or the Reality-Way of Adidam, to words, then you do not respond to Me. You do not turn to Me. Instead, you merely turn to the words, respond to the words — and, thus, you turn back in on your own mind."

- Avatar Adi Da Samraj, "The Ancient Walk-About Way", Part 10, The Aletheon

"When people hear words, they characteristically expect to think about them. However, the purpose of listening to My Words, and also to My Leelas, is not merely to be able to think about them. The fundamental purpose of listening to My Leelas and My Words is the magnification of the tacit devotional recognition-response to Me. That magnification of the tacit devotional recognition-response to Me is the fundamental evidence that My devotee is rightly and truly sighting Me and rightly and truly listening to My Leelas and My Word."

- Avatar Adi Da Samraj, The Sacred Space of Finding Me (p. 289)

"You cannot confront My Reality-Teaching only once a month. You must deal with it in some form every single day, because a new form of the ego's game appears every single day. You will buy your game every single day. Therefore, you cannot have read one of My Books last month and still have it working on your behalf, because you only remember a few key phrases. You must continually return to My Reality-Teaching, confront My Reality-Teaching. This is why study is so important. . .

Understanding arises in the midst of intense, regular, and frequent confrontation with My Wisdom-Teaching, My Arguments, and My Instructions. The kind of study that is required of you . . . is the continual, daily confrontation with My Wisdom-Teaching that requires you to observe your tendencies, your strategies, the games that prevent your Happy enjoyment of a life of understanding. Such study requires conscious participation, not only of mind. And, as self-observation begins to arise in the midst of such study, you will begin to see in yourself the flowering of understanding."

- Avatar Adi Da Samraj

"Those who are without profound understanding of the Great Spiritual Process very often like to dissociate the Teaching from the Teacher. Therefore, in this time of body-based dilettantism, Teachings are very often valued, but the Teachers are not — the Guru-devotee relationship is often not valued. It should be understood, however, that what makes the Teaching valuable is the Realization of the Realizer. You come to the Realizer not merely for his or her words of Instruction but to Realize what the Realizer has Realized, and is now Realizing."

- Avatar Adi Da Samraj

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