Suck It Ugin! 😘- Rankin With Jank - Magic The Gathering Arena Historic Constructed

1 year ago

It's milling time! Watch me as I complain, whine and even win a few.

4 Fraying Sanity (WOT) 19
7 Swamp (LTR) 267
4 Merfolk Windrobber (ZNR) 70
4 Ruin Crab (ZNR) 75
3 Maddening Cacophony (ZNR) 67
4 Thieves' Guild Enforcer (M21) 125
9 Island (LTR) 265
4 Soaring Thought-Thief (ZNR) 236
3 Lurrus of the Dream-Den (IKO) 226
4 Shipwreck Marsh (MID) 267
4 Clearwater Pathway (ZNR) 260
2 Jace, the Perfected Mind (ONE) 57
1 Bruvac the Grandiloquent (JMP) 10
2 Altar of Dementia (BRR) 3
4 Xander's Wake (Y22) 9
1 The Stone Brain (BRO) 247

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