Here is the video linked to the above post. He is absolutely correct.

1 year ago

Here is the video linked to the above post. He is absolutely correct.

And I will go one stage further. Any citizen, along with governments and individual politicians is complicit in war crimes if they do not speak out against them, and worse, support them.

Citizens may not be able to wield the same international power as politicians, but if they do not give a voice to calling out war crimes they are simply allowing them. Ask yourself if you would remain silent if this was western Christians doing this to Africans or Indian's of another faith. You wouldn't.

When you call this out you are not taking any side, other than the side of love. Because you are calling out evil. The evil that allows for the taking of innocent lives to further agendas, the current one seemingly to head us into world war 3, with the ensuing dystopian existence for all that will then follow.

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