HMA || Kalis Ilustrisimo || A NEW CHALLENGER ENTERS!! - Bolo v Barung (Machete) - Wed 27/9/23 NHR

1 year ago

Humphrey Martial Arts (HMA) - Based on Sydney's Northern Beaches
Guro Josh Humphrey and Guro Tom Flynn

Available for 'Group' or 'Individual' Private Lessons
+61 413 026 841

Guro Tom has been training with us since early 2019, starting back at Lange's MMA Ramp group classes. He is one of HMA's new Instructors, having recently received his Lakan Isa/Black Belt 1st Dan in Lange-Corral Arnis. He also continues to train in Kalis Ilustrisimo, Silat, Muay Thai (Kickboxing) and BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) to compliment and round out his skills.

This raw footage is a continuation of various unfilmed Solo Espada (Single Sword) technical sparring sessions, between myself (Josh H - Yellow Barung, tattoos, converse, green shirt, white MMA shorts) and another Arnis Black Belt (Tom.F - Black Bolo, skeleton fencing mask, tattoos, blue shorts, black shirt).

We were focusing on checking the Largo (Long) range defence was solid before learning to intentially move in and out of the 'Media' or 'Halfway' range, using the gap between Corto (Close/Short) and Largo (Long) as a way to set up the 'Enganyo' or fakes/baits/traps and counters for higher skilled opponents.

This video shouldn't be seen as an instructional video at all. Kalis Ilustrisimo is an advanced blade system with incredibly subtle movements, with a heavy emphasis on measurement and timing, that don't translate well to video or group classes. I highly recommend finding an instructor from our style in your area that offers private one-on-one tuition if you want to learn more about blade on blade fighting techniques and principles.

If you are determined to use a video as a learning tool, GM Ray Floro has amazing instructional videos for sale on his website listed below.

Many thanks and the utmost respect to our Blade Masters, GM Ray Floro, GM Romeo 'Mang Romy' Macapagal and their teacher the late GM Antonio 'Tatang' Ilustrisimo, for sharing, guiding and mentoring us through such a beautifully technical blade system.

I hope this video helps a few fellow FMA practitioners with their own techniques, counters and application. All the best with your sparring!

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