How to Walk Properly Fact Check-Forefoot Strike is the Natural Way to Walk?

2 years ago

In Walking Technique Fact Check #3 I will look at the claim that forefoot first walking is the most natural way to walk, and that people currently walk heel first only because of heavily cushioned modern footwear. The further claim is that heel strike walking is by its very nature harmful to the joints. The argument usually hits several points which are all sound legitimate but are really untrue.

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My video with full discussion of forefoot strike

Popular Youtube video advocating forefoot walking as the natural way to walkl
Link to How to Walk (Response to Bob and Brad) In-Depth

Major Points

1. Heel striking involves putting on the breaks with a locked knee:
Answer: No one walks with a locked out knee. The knee flexes instantly after placement on the heel with not even a slight breaking action occurring.

2. There is no shock absorption when landing on the heel.
Answer: The flexion of the knee and roll to the flat foot position occurs in a controlled fashion which reduces the impact on the joints.

3. If people walked barefoot, they would very quickly realize that they cannot walk barefoot with a heel strike due to the pain it would cause.
Answer: Most habitual barefoot walkers do walk heel first with no issues at all

4. Heel Strike doesn't use your muscles.
Answer: Of course you are using all your muscles when you walk with a heel strike. But even it you were not, this wouldn't be a rational for forefoot walking. The goal of walking is not to use an many muscles as possible. The is to walk as efficiently as possible. If you could walk with no muscles, that would probably be the best.

5. Early man could not of walked heel first because of dangerous things they could step on.
Answer: First of all, there were no abundant sharp objects during the evolution of early man. There was no glass, or needles, or other sharp man made objects. There was also no concrete or other hard manmade surfaces. People would have been walking on grass, dirt, and sand. Natural calluses would have easily deflected pebbles, branches, or prickly vegetation. Secondly, the forefoot skin is not less sensitive or vulnerable than the heel.

6. The heel is not designed to be landed on.
Answer: The heel is the largest, most dense bone in the foot. It also has a significant fat pad underneath it which is evolved as a cushion.

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