Can Apple Save the Dollar Hegemony? | David Woo

1 year ago

The Secretary of US Treasury Janet Yellen admitted last week that the Russia sanctions could undermine the US dollar hegemony. The weaponization of the dollar by the Biden administration in the war between the unipolar vs multipolar world, between globalism vs nationalism, is pushing the global south to search for an alternative to the dollar. Last week, Brazilian president Lula da Silva called for an end to the dollar's trade dominance. Meanwhile, both the US current account deficit and the US net international investment position are deteriorating at an alarming pace. Will the king dollar, the most visible symbol of the us hegemony, survive the growing global north and south divide? Why the US dollar so strong? How is Silicon Valley, more specifically America's big tech monopolies, propping up the dollar. How will the rivalry between the dollar vs yuan end? Can Silicon Valley save the dollar from the reckless policies of the Neocons?

David Woo, a former top-ranked Wall Street global macro strategist, tells it as it is. You may not agree with everything he says but he will make you reassess everything you thought you knew.


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