WTD ep.96 William Ramsey & Hans Utter 'Performance (1970) is boring a hole, penetrating the skull'

1 year ago

William Ramsey & Hans Utter return to Wake the Dead to team up & break down the 1970 film titled 'Performance' by Donald Cammell. This is a continuation down the rabbit hole we started on with Brett Carollo & Hans Utter (WTD ep.94 'Altamont Pie'). In that episode we discussed the satanification of culture following the Altamont sacrificial killing in Dec. 1969. The 'snuff film' released the following year titled 'Gimme Shelter' was released at the same time as the film 'Performance' starring Mick Jagger. This intentional release of the films is evidence of the greater working being conducted by the dark occultists steering society. Once the lid was cracked, another rabbit hole appeared with lots of interesting nuggets to think about.

William has compiled biographical information about the director, Donald Cammell which can be seen in his documentary titled 'Occult Hollywood vol. 2' which tracks the influence of Aleister Crowley across Hollywood. This can be found at William's Patreon here: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/williamramseyinvestigates
Website: ⁠https://www.williamramseyinvestigates.com/
Rokfin: ⁠https://www.rokfin.com/WilliamRamsey
YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/@WilliamRamsey-gu7rs/featured

Hans introduced us to this film and continues his deep analysis of its many occult themes & connections to other events, people & ideas. He helps to create a tapestry of information to consider when we contemplate this film & the intentions of its creators. Hans can be found here: ⁠http://hansutter.com/

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