Chrysogon's Coterie: 288 NPCs for your Basic Fantasy RPG Campaign

1 year ago

Reflections on writing my "Monster Manual of NPCs." What, how, and why.
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00:00 Introduction
03:10 The Rogues Gallery
07:55 The Beauty of BX
08:23 Discovering Basic Fantasy RPG
14:25 Creating the NPCs
16:05 From Fan to Contributor
17:36 More Credits
20:00 Design Philosophy
23:36 Love, not Money
26:22 Everything is a Suggestion
28:47 Why This Design?
32:23 An Embarrassment of Riches
34:13 Character Connections
36:20 Become a Contributor
38:23 Flawed Characters
39:24 PD Art / Original Art
44:32 Artists Own their Art
49:14 Matching Art to Characters
52:34 Experience and Bio Length
53:20 Delight and Surprise
54:09 Willow and Blossom

I am a writer / game developer for Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game, an open source retro-clone role-playing game that emulates, and is largely compatible with, the 1981 Basic and Expert sets of Dungeons & Dragons. I love Basic, but am also a fan of 1st Edition AD&D, White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game, Top Secret, Gamma World, Call of Cthulhu, and many other legacy and retro systems.

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