Andy Stanley Unconditional Conference with LBGTQ Controversy Part 2

1 year ago

Andy Stanley Unconditional Conference with LBGTQ Controversy Part 2. This sermon will cover Andy Stanley's sermon "I Love My Church" at his church Northpoint Community Church on October 1st 2023 after the controversy from his Unconditional Conference 2023. He aimed to help Christian parents who have LBGTQ children. The conference was led by Greg and Lynn McDonald, who are founders of Embracing the Journey, a ministry birthed from their experience with having a gay child. According to the conference’s website, the MacDonalds “are passionate about helping parents embrace their journey where true healing can occur.” They use their two decades of “firsthand experience” to coach and counsel Christian parents with LGBTQ+ children.

This caused Albert Mohler Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president to criticize Stanley on his podcast. He was critical because Andy invited two gay men as speakers at the event. The speakers were Justin Lee and Brian Nietzel, whom Stanley described as “two married gay men” who are also “Christ-followers today.” They were invited to speak—and had spoken at previous North Point Church gatherings. By being in such a union, Lee and Nietzel are living in ongoing, unrepentant disobedience to Christ. Andy Stanley seemed to defend this decision making it worse. Ask Dr Brown or Michael Brown also made calls on Andy to repent and make his views clear. He said Andy refused to do so for several years.

Andy Stanley sermon did stand for biblical values which is a step in the right direction. He stated that biblical marriage is between a man and a woman, he said, noting that every New Testament text addressing homosexuality teaches that it is a sin. “It was a sin then,” Stanley said, “and it is a sin now.” He said his church has always stood for the ethics laid forth in the New Testament on sex and marriage. And that sex should only happen in the context of marriage. He affirmed passages in the bible such as: Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, and 1 Timothy 1.

I commended Andy for standing for biblical truth. For having a great heart of compassion. And for him be willing to take on the LBGTQ conversation. But as Ask Dr Brown states: "We have have hearts of compassion but backbones of steel". Andy has the heart of compassion. But he seems to have lost some degree of standing for the truth at face value. Andy said that Jesus drew circles and included everyone. Where many in Christianity today draw lines of exclusion. I think Jesus wants all to come to him. We should come as we are. But God doesn't want to to stay as we are. We are supposed to come up to his level. There seemed to be hints in Andy's sermon that he didn't think gay people could change and possibly they are born that way. However homosexuality is no different then any other sin. We can turn from that sin and be healed by Jesus. I questioned Andy bringing two gay man to the conference as speakers. I think he could have used some people who have come out of the lifestyle and are on the other side of the journey

I gave an example of ministry that that helps people get healing and come out of the lifestyle to go into heterosexual relationships. You can find this ministry at:

#andystanley #lbgtq #sermon

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BS Degree from NYU in Counseling
MA Degree Theology Equivalent from Bethel University (Not Bethel Redding) and ORU University
Studied Inner Healing and Deliverance at Orbis School of Ministry Run by Ken Fish
Graduate of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Mini MBA Program

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