1 year ago

On 7th October 2023 a major war erupted in Israel.
If you compare the percentage of casualties to the size of the population: the massacres in Israel is 10 times worse than 9/11. Where 9/11 changed the world, so will this.

• Did the watchman receive and give warnings of such an attack? How do we pray? What is God dealing with in this situation? What about the promised revival?

• Do we also pray for the Palestinians or just Israel? Ugly scenes of anti-Semitism have arisen in Sydney, Melbourne and many cities in world. Some accused us of “taking sides” by praying for Israel.

In this program I will share a little from on the ground in Israel, BUT primarily share insight from dreams and visions of the Lord’s call to us at this time: how to pray, His warnings, and a basic understanding of what GOD is doing.

Yes, it IS a Biblical event. Though we maybe unsure of “which” prophecy is being fulfilled be sure; we ARE watching Biblical prophecy unfolding before our eyes. This is a spiritual war as much as it is a geo-political war.

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