😱😱😱 You know what's the real question here guys..

1 year ago

Since some vaccines use aluminum as adjuvants and some use mercury, does the same reaction take place when the mercury found in vaccines, interacts with the aluminum adjuvants found in other vaccines you've already taken? 
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About the photo:
📌Wake up your Family members & the brainwashed public that have been injected with the nano material antenna graphene ferrous oxide tracking technology
Buy neodymium magnets 40mm x 5mm, smaller magnets find it hard to attach to the nano Material antenna in the injection site.
This year is our year, there are millions of people begging for the truth.
They need help.
Follow the instructions on the flyer it’s very important that we wake up people in this manner. 👍
Guys everyone needs to get on this ASAP go out in your towns and cities and try it on the general public.
We have numerous cases recorded when the neodymium magnet attaches to the injection site
Print off this flyer and distribute in your local town let’s finally start waking people up the right way, expose the lies deceit and corruption.
Record videos and keep them as evidence.
Follow the instructions on this channel
Share this post far and wide.
Join the criminal investigation team

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