Preservation of the Apostle John ~ Orson F. Whitney ~ JOD 26:27

1 year ago

Released as part of our Second Coming playlist:

Journal of Discourses, Volume 26, Discourse 27,

Prophecy of John the Revelator, Mission of the Ancient Apostles, Their Reception and Fate, The Great Apostasy, Preservation of the Apostle John, His Revelation, Restoration of the Gospel, The Earth to Be Baptized By Fire As It Was Once Baptized By Water, We Are Sent to the World With a Warning Message, They Can Receive or Reject It, Testimony to the Truth of "Mormonism." , Orson F. Whitney,

Discourse by Bishop Orson F. Whitney, delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, June 21, 1885

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