Horus Christ aka Jesus Christ ( Kundalini ) + SEEKING GNOSIS LEADS TO OBTAINING GNOSIS

1 year ago

Let's discuss gnosis and the way by which we ( through hard work and dedication to the path ) can obtain gnosis. The spearhead of gnosis is Kundalini. Kundalini allows us to walk into godhood while anchored in the material flesh suit. It allows us to overcome all setbacks, and take the next step in human development/evolution. The true living and hidden god intended for life to be a paradise experience. Falling away from kundalini ( the real true fall of man ), has led to humanity being trapped in the shortcomings of matter. We can negate this by raising the light of god within.

Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (γνῶσις, gnōsis, f.).The term was used among various Hellenistic religions and philosophies in the Greco-Roman world. It is best known for its implication within Gnosticism, where it signifies a spiritual knowledge or insight into humanity's real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnosis

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