Weeds in the church (The wheat and tares Matthew 13:24-30)

1 year ago

People who are serious about their fruit and vegetable gardens are serious about their seed selection, because they know that a quality seed produces a quality harvest. Many of them prefer heirloom seeds that have been passed down from generation to generation within their family or community because they know they have been proven to produce good crops. When you are counting on something to be productive to feed your family or as a part of your livelihood, you do not want to take chance on planting something that may or may not grow. In the parable of the wheat and tares Jesus says that the kingdom of heaven was like a man who sowed good seed in his field but while sleep and enemy came and sowed weeds among the good seed. As the field began to grow it was obvious there was a problem and one of the man’s servants asked if the master wanted him to pull out all the weeds. The man told the servants to leave them alone and let them grow together until the harvest because he did not want to risk pulling up the wheat with the weeds. He said at harvest time they would separate the weeds from the wheat and put the wheat in the barn while burning the weeds.
God has always planted good seed, and God always will plant good seed but there is an enemy who is constantly trying to corrupt and destroy what God has planted. God created our earth in perfection, with everything functioning and preforming in unison but that was corrupted and destroyed when the seed of sin and temptation entered though Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. What was perfect became broken, what was functioned smoothly no had to struggle, and fellowship with the Creator was forever damaged. God also planted the perfect seed of His Son Jesus on this earth to redeem mankind from their sins as His body was planted in the earth for three days before resurrecting and acceding to heaven. Now those who are reborn of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ live and move upon the earth with those who still want to walk in rebellion. The wheat (church) and the tares (the world) are growing together in God’s massive garden (the earth) to be separated on the day of judgment to come. Those who have accepted the good seed of Jesus will be placed in God’s barn (Heaven) and those who have not will be burnt as the weeds in eternal fire (Hell). The great news is that we can choose whether we are stored in the barn or burnt with the weeds, God gave us all free will to choose whether to live in rebellion or accept the sacrifice made for our sins. We choose Jesus and we sincerely hope that you do as well.

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