"C'mon C'mon" (2021) Directed by Mike Mills #joaquinphoenix #memories

1 year ago

Open to interpretation, I’d posit C’mon C’mon is a tale of grief and loss and the jagged line drawn between a loss we can digest, accept and find peace with and the grieving and a loss we cannot. There is existential angst from a deep personal level through to a wider world and the opinions gleaned from young people on their levels of happiness or the future of the world they inhabit. It’s a Mother and Son film but the familial ties and bonds run deeper than that, as does the undercurrent of depression, anxiety, mental illness and there’s an argument to be made for attention and hyperactivity disorder as well as the film’s youngest character on the borderline of the Asperger's/Autistic spectrum. I’d posit further that when taken as a whole, the film represents the very exploration of a young life through to the end of an older one and the human frailties and foibles that afflict us all in between.

Here’s a broader capsule review:

From Detroit to LA, New York to New Orleans, a radio journalist is chronicling the lives and thoughts of young adults as to their experiences and thoughts on the world around them and their existential fears for the future. Reunited with his sister and young nephew, he’s thrown into the deep end with a 9 year old boy who acts way beyond his tender years and soon a very outward journey of discovery becomes more inward as he chronicles a brief moment of time spent with an almost unspoken about painful ghost of his past.

The above opening paragraphs are taken from my spoiler free review of "The Outfit" originally penned and published to my Medium blog site on 20th April 2022 and which can be read in full and for free (please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack blog site and article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also contained within my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection" and all 7 volumes can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package. Here follows a link to Volume 1 (that contains my spoiler free review of this film) and a link to all 7 volumes




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