Oppenheimer (Part 3 trailer) End times doctrines, misinterpretations, presuppositions & mistakes. Jacobs Ladder. War and land. Israel Joseph (2 House doctrine)

1 year ago

Part 3 to follow soon (but also see all below)

The Israeli prime minister before the current PM also said this in 2022 Israel... https://www.facebook.com/i24NEWSEN/videos/yair-lapid-in-first-address-as-israeli-pm/3124074651137859/ . Its establishment didn’t begin in 1948, https://www.timesofisrael.com/lapid-speech-full-text-we-must-stop-the-flow-of-extremism-from-politics-to-streets/ but rather on the day Yehoshua Bin Nun [Joshua, insertion mine) crossed the Jordan and forever connected the people of Israel with the land of Israel, between the Jewish nation and its Israeli homeland" (before the UN and its anti Israel agenda..the UN against Israel) Joshua from the tribe of Ephraim / Joseph. The 10 tribes left Israel in disgrace and idol worship and in disgrace ! under a term of years (7 x 70 etc) under Gods curse.

2 House doctrine ? Judah is the Kingship but many kings only lasted a short time due to for example,.. sacrificing babies to high alters (like modern abortions to Baal) and not coming under Gods laws in the Torah for a King (e.g. Duet 17 and others) and many met bad deaths. The kingship was not hereditary. King David was not related to Saul and Davids great-grandmother was a Moabite. David was the 7th son of 7 etc, not the 1st born son. The King was Gods choice not mens. Joseph birthright and blessings = the world.

More on House of Joseph / lost tribes below... and Israel will move to expand to full Greater Israel size of Genesis 15 (but partitioning the land leads to Gods curse see description box in part 3 )

1. By far the most in depth is Georgia University and the team of Jewish researchers (who i have corresponded with and they want to make a film on this ) who have produced over 30 volumes of research for decades

Professor W.A. Liebenberg with parts 1 - 17 "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations"
http://www.hrti.co.za/shop/50-dispersion-regathering-of-the-ten-tribes?p=2and .... (inside the contributors from Georgia Uni are listed..very nice people) and of course "the pass of Israel" is in Georgia thru the mountains from Northern Israel and are marked such

and his seminal work "Never Lost" which can also be bought as one volume here on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B06W5JVZSP?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_0&storeType=ebooks

1A) "Standing in the Gap For Both Houses of Israel Maria Merola" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDOFnVyFotk

2) What is the "Two House" teaching? Monte Judah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aNmLLskLA4

2a ) Tribe of Asher & Joseph https://www.youtube.com/@nashyea

& "The Tribe of Asher aka the Vandals - God’s Hand in History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dTQJ8g5bkU (alternative link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9amaIPa0e-M )

& David Jones bitchute channel lost tribes hebrew history https://www.bitchute.com/channel/yVvrvy4J0zn1/

3. KING David's throne in Europe,Britain,Scotland Ireland Wales Dr S Spykerman & Israels lost tribes https://www.bitchute.com/video/oxb1AM8dPnql/ (or here once again on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcs0SctsCEA )

4. Jeremiah in Ireland? - PART 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sItChJTHhMg

4a Jeremiah in Ireland? - PART 2 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8hyzOMp5ljeW/

5. ‘Europeans the lost tribes of Israel a rare documentary’ https://www.bitchute.com/video/w8mSsvBT080N/
The 12 Tribes Of Israel, What Happened to Them ? E Raymond Capt Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVrIIWC4ga4vvor on Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/im84u0XEIzcG/

5A & ‘The Lost Tribes of Israel.Found. by E Raymond Capt’ (or see also in Bitchute in Great Sermons with additional info in the description https://www.bitchute.com/video/omXq52ivj3AS/ & on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHoSLkTbHK0 )

5B & E Raymond Capt The Lost Tribes of Israel Heirs of Promise Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/mcTrI6bFTS7i/ or Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHoSLkTbHK0

5C & Tudor Parfitt Lost Tribes of Israel, Blood & History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5wCJ8zy_l

5D TRUTH-VIDS: Where is the TRIBE of DAN ? - TODAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTi93pqsysA

2 HOUSES OF ISRAEL (JOSEPH as Ephraim and Manasseh ) AND JUDAH (12 tribes) Joseph went to their colonies in Europe and Scandinavia (2 Houses see also Matthew 24-25, Mark 13 & Luke 21 & Ezekiel 37 1. What is the "Two House" teaching? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aNmLLskLA4 (Lion & Lamb Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4jMnZlDfv-_yWOWeg3jzeQ "St Paul" or Saul was the real apostle to Rome not Peter and he went wider not just to Rome or 'asia minor' (the book of Galatians is to Gaul in France also and Britain Ireland & Claudia, Pudens and Linus in Timothy 4,21 are the children of Celtic King Caractacus https://ensignmessage.com/articles/the-incredible-history-of-gods-true-church-5-the-end/ they brought the faith to Britain by 70 ad) but also to Macedonia (Acts 15, 36, 18, 22 and 49 & 50. and Tarshish Spain,and Britain (Ezekiel 27, 12, Isaiah 66,19 & Romans 15, 24 - 28) for Tarshish and also Greece and more as directed in Matthew 10, 6 - 7, & Matthew 25, 24 see also James 1,1 & Luke , 15,4 & 22,30 all of which are references to the lost sheep ten tribes...see also "The triads of the apostle Paul on his preaching in Britain" https://www.therain.org/studies/triads.html And Cormac mac Airt circa 200ad in Ireland (and Teach cormac is a hill fort on Tara built by him https://edmooneyphoto.wordpress.com/2015/08/24/teach-cormaic/ ) was Ireland's first Christian Chieftain which means the faith was there before 200ad and 200 years before st patrick

II Esdras 13:39-50 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Esdras%2013%3A39-50&version=CEB which a book still in the King Jaes version 1611 says the 10 tribes went into Georgia and into the Caucasus and into Europe, Arzareth has been identified by Georgia university as North of Israel "The apocryphal book Esdras says the "righteous" Ten Tribers moved out of Assyria and the Cities of Mede to Arsareth to get away from sin" in part 3 of "Part 03 - A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations (PDF)" http://www.hrti.co.za/shop/dispersion-regathering-of-the-ten-tribes/502-a-historical-research-of-the-ten-tribes-scattered-into-the-nations-part-1pdf-download.html

So for Prophetically correct insights (see Acts 26, 7 & Isaiah 11, 11 - 12) into the ten tribes and why they are important and why this matters for Israel is very important to understand

JERUSALEM ENCIRCLED | Psalm 83 | Dr. Mac Brunson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpG1ZM8Btyw

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