Are You Saved? Does God Know You?

1 year ago

The Holy Spirit inspired a greater in-depth study of the revelation shared in a previous message, "What Do You Say You Are?"
This digs deeper into the differences of being a follower of Christ, a witness, a believer and a disciple. They are not all the samething, although they can be pathways to salvation.

What does it take to be saved and receive salvation. As believers, we know the role Jesus play in our salvation, but does God play a role in your salvation? What is required of you?

The purpose of this message is to leave the 99 and go after the 1 who might not be saved, and does not know how to be saved. We do not want you on judgment day facing Jesus as shared in Matthew 7:21, where He says, I do not know you.

What must you do for God Almighty, to know you?

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