Asher Weiss Misrepresents the Jewish Law on Gittin in Times of War

1 year ago

Erev Rav Asher Weiss has quite a track record of distorting the Torah to push the poison shots and even outright kefirah. When I tried to question him he brushed me off and one of his cronies assaulted me. If you have the time to catch up on this and plenty of barf bags handy, you can see my past videos on him.

He just admitted that he provides "guidance" for the Shabak, who brutally torture Jews and are not known for fidelity to the Torah, to put it mildly.

It's a wonder people still consider this man one of us, let alone revere him, regardless of how much they've been conditioned.

Well, get another barf bag ready. At the same session in which Weiss divulged his connection to the Shabak, Weiss falsified the Torah's position on גט על תנאי, conditional writs of divorce.

Many soldiers are concerned that their wives might be left agunos (anchored to the marriage) if something tragic happens to them in battle and their death cannot be confirmed according to the requirements of Jewish law. They asked Weiss about giving their wives a conditional get, which would take effect if they do not return by a given time.

Weiss declared that "One can never write a גט על תנאי, the poskim say that is, that is out!"

And just like that, Asher Weiss canceled reams of Jewish law throughout the ages. He failed to mention that conditional writs of divorce in times of war date all the way back to King David, and, as Rabbi Breitowitz recently noted in response to the same question, even back to Moshe Rabbeinu himself. Which poskim canceled this halacha? According to Weiss, it seems ALL of them did.

As it turns out, this cancellation of Jewish law was brought to us by rabbis who worked for the Israeli establishment, and on very questionable grounds. Rabbi Shlomo Goren — whose rulings on Jewish law are categorically rejected in many parts of the Torah-observant world — ruled that such gittin must not be used because they would weaken morale of the soldiers.

This position has been obediently adopted by the "Dati Leumi" world, which made a religious cult out of serving the secular Israeli state, no matter what.

What gave Rabbi Goren, a single rabbi, the power to unilaterally abolish a longstanding halacha simply because of an entirely speculative concern about "morale"? We are not supposed to ask such questions.

Why did King David, and all others who followed this practice throughout Jewish history until the establishment of the secular state, not worry about the morale of his soldiers?

Why was this concern not entertained in Shas and the poskim?

What about the serious issue of agunos, which is treated with utmost importance, being cast aside over a speculative, amorphous psychological consideration?

Frankly, one can argue that leaving one's wife so vulnerable to becoming an aguna is far more likely to lower morale, whereas giving a conditional get provides security and peace of mind. That's why it was always done this way until employees of the state decided otherwise.

Weiss does offer a consolation prize. "So the only option I have is giving them a bracha (blessing). Don't be worried! You're gonna come home safely!"

Then this cold charlatan pretends to get choked up. As I've said before, the man really needs some acting lessons. He oozes fakeness.

The Erev Rav establishment wants to destroy religious Jewish families in many ways. This is just one more way.

Original source for clip of Rabbi Breitowitz:

The full Weiss video is available at

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