Update #5 #FYP #Hercules #Frenchton #NSAID #Pray #Poison #AdvilPM #mansbestfriend

1 year ago

He has to go back to the vet on Monday for more bloodwork. we are continuing to give him IV fluids twice a day and his medication’s. He is showing continuous signs of improvement. https://gofund.me/2adb354b You’ll find all the details on the gofundme but long story short it’s gonna be pretty expensive to still try to get him out of the woods and he will most likely need continued care. The blood work results came back today and his numbers have dropped dramatically, but some are still in the danger zone. I with your help can continue to give him the chance he deserves. I can’t thank everyone enough for all of their prayers & well wishes, and help with how to get him the best treatment. I am forever grateful.

Go to mywalksinparadise.com for more info & to find my Linktree.

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