The Message

1 year ago

he Message (Arabic title: الرسالة [Al Rissalah] in English: The Message) is a film by Moustapha Akkad released in 1976.
Produced by Moustapaha Akkad & Harold Buck.
A soundtrack by Maurice Jarre (Jean-Michel Jarre's father) & The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
G.B. / U.S.A. / Libya / Syria / Koweit

Describing the life of Islam's prophet Mohamed (PUHN), this film has the particularity of having been shot simultaneously in English and Arabic, with different lead actors in each version.

In keeping with the aniconism of Islamic tradition, the Prophet (Peace Upon His Name) is never portrayed.

His presence is "evoked", or "suggested" to the viewer, by the subjective camera technique.
The same treatment is applied to Ali ibn Abi Talib, who "appears" in the film.

With the participation of the University of Al Azzar of Cairo, the Filmco International Productions (Los Angeles & Beyrouth Offices), the Arab International Productions, Eastmancolor, Panavision.

"I made this film because it represents a personal challenge.
What's more, it's interesting to produce: there's a story, a plot, a dramatic force.
As a Muslim living in the West, I consider it my duty to tell the truth about Islam.
It's a religion with 700 million followers, yet so little is known about it that it's surprising.
I thought that telling this story could create a bridge with the West."

Moustapha Akkad.

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