OSIRIS-REx Sample Return and Reveal B-roll

1 year ago

OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Ready for Reveal Video


Members of the OSIRIS-REx Lockheed Martin engingeering team bring the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft science canister, wrapped in layers of Teflon sheeting, to the OSIRIS-REx clean room for curation. The canister was kept on a continuous flow of nitrogen to keep out earthly contaminants to leave the sample pure for scientific analyses.
Members of the OSIRIS-REx Lockheed Martin engineering and curation teams place the science canister, covered in sheets of Teflon, into the canister glovebox in the OSIRIS-REx clean room.
Looks like the delivery of the science canister is duplicated around 5:40
Members of the OSIRIS-REx curation team prepare tools for opening the science canister lid.
The OSIRIS-REx science canister is seen inside the canister glovebox in the OSIRIS-REx clean room.
OSIRSI-REx curation team members use a small spatula and set of tongs to collect asteroid material from the avionics deck of the science canister and put it inside a stainless steel sample container.
OSIRSI-REx curation team members use a small spatula and set of tongs to collect asteroid material from the avionics deck of the science canister and put it inside a stainless steel sample container.
OSIRIS-REx curation team members use a small spatula and small Teflon brush to collect asteroid material from the avionics deck of the science canister.
Members of the OSIRIS-REx curation team prepare to remove the TAGSAM to flip it over and off of the capture ring of the science canister.
Members of the OSIRIS-REx curation team view the TAGSAM after it is flipped off the capture ring, giving them the first look at the pile of sample resting on the mylar flap of the container.
OSIRIS-REx curation team members lift the aluminum lid off the science canister, revealing dark particles coating the base and inside of the lid.

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