1 year ago

Psychological Warfare towards communism is in effect.

We are the frog in hot water - "The boiling frog" theory:
It is extremely difficult to tell when slow, gradual changes become monumental and cause a significant effect - just like the gradual change of water temperature wasn't obvious to the frog, until it was too late and the water was boiling.

The failure to act against a problematic situation which will increase in severity until reaching catastrophic proportions.

Theory of "The Boiling Frog" - How does the essence of the boiling frog syndrome apply to what we are now experiencing? For those who have have been awake and aware it is undeniable that our living conditions have been deteriorating gradually, and the globalists have made it appear that we have no choice but to adapt to these conditions and will not resist them, their plan is to drain our strength of resistance until we are no longer strong enough to escape.
They have commenced their slow frog boil by corrupting the young and getting them away from religion and get them interested in sex.
Make them superficial and destroy the male ruggedness.
They have been promoting abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism, witchcraft and promoting the restriction of all firearms through false flag shootings in schools.

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