Will Andy's Coin Program Work With The Minelab Equinox 600? What Works and What Doesn't.

2 years ago

Many of you asked me to make a video about Andy Sabisch's Coin Program for the Minelab Equinox 600. This is your video. However, can you set up the program the same as you can for the Equinox 800? The answer is no but I got you pretty close but you be the judge. If you have a good coin program for the 600 let us know by leaving a comment. I tested out this program in the video and I did find coins and some other stuff. At the end of the video I'll walk you through how to set it up. Plus, I'll show you what you are limited to by comparing both the 600 and 800 settings side by side. Again, all of these settings are based on Andy's coin program for the Equinox 800 but I tried to adapt them to the 600. TEASER ALERT: Watch all the way to the end for the big reveal that I hope is happening in the next couple of weeks. Some of you will be pleased I think. Others...well maybe not.

Here is the other video for this coin program for the Equinox 800: https://youtu.be/zFf7V8i_qZs

Here are the links to the Detect-ED Carbon Fiber Shafts for the Equinox
RED: https://amzn.to/3CZXvUJ
BLACK: https://amzn.to/3ldxGKZ

I'm looking for a few new Patreon members to join me over on that platform. I've been building some of the content for this channel from the feedback I've been getting over there from my patrons. They have been helping this channel grow by helping me build better content for this channel. If you want to have an active say in what I do here on this channel or just want to have metal detecting conversations (drama free) consider joining me over there for as little as $1/month. https://www.patreon.com/mentalmetaldetecting

I want to thank Fort Bedford Metal Detectors for providing the Equinox 600 to use in this video. Please give them a chance to earn your business. Give them a call 814-215-1732 or visit their website www.fortbedfordmetaldetectors.com

There is a new metal detecting resource guide out for 2022: https://mentalmetaldetecting.com/metal-detecting-resource-guide/

I also have a Metal Detectors Kid Edition that's new for 2022 on my website. I did a lot of research to provide my recommendations as well as a list of features that will help you pick the right machine for your kid: https://mentalmetaldetecting.com/metal-detectors-for-kids/

For metal detector reviews, equipment reviews, tips and tricks there is a ton of good information for both new and seasoned detectorists over on my website. https://www.mentalmetaldetecting.com

If you are looking for more videos on the Equinox, look no further. Here are bunch that I have done for the Equinox:
Equinox Unboxing for the 600 or 800: https://youtu.be/1T_tYOgg1ts
Equinox Assembly for the 600 or 800: https://youtu.be/A_iAUrXACTU
Equinox Target Tones How-to: https://youtu.be/rLW-LhtH3WM
Equinox Easy Beach Setup in 5 Mins: https://youtu.be/qE0t96pPzp8
Equinox Extra Search Profile: https://youtu.be/lLP_zP9_g50
Equinox Pin-Pointing Troubles? Try This!: https://youtu.be/a-dcMnTNpLA
Equinox Iron Bias Explained: https://youtu.be/A6TdnCLWZTU
Equinox Fresh Water Settings: https://youtu.be/xgEntRn0JIE
Equinox 600 and 800 Sensitivity Secrets: https://youtu.be/BAgFQWHYqBg
Equinox Recovery Speed Explained: https://youtu.be/Sa_S0eFyaO8
Should You Ground Balance The Equinox? https://youtu.be/V3zwbzyKnlA

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Scott - The Mental Metal Channel and MentalMetalDetecting.com

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