RELAX - Under the Gaze of the Stars #meditation #relaxation #nature #star #night #camping

1 year ago

#gatewaytapes #hemisync #astralplanes #astralsurf #outofbodyexperience #deepmeditation #meditation #relaxation #whitenoise #soundhealing #resonanttuning #camping #star #night

After a tumultuous challenge last week, let's rewind and relax a bit. I've always reminisce about the summer days camping outdoors and falling asleep under the open sky gazing up at heaven. What happens if the stars gaze back? What do they make of us?

1 - Listen to the gentle susurrations of the grass moving back and forth and let the music take us up high into the heavens where the stars live. Relax and let go. Focus on breathing...
2. Breathe in new energy through the nose / exhale stale energy through the mouth and hum if so desired


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