Exodus 13:17 - 14:31, Oct 8, 2023, So They Were Afraid

1 year ago

Exodus 13:17-14:31
So They Were Afraid
Oct 8, 2023

Pastor Kevin leads us in the historical study of when God parted the Red Sea to allow the Jews to start their journey to the Promised Land. This teaching was on the day after Hamas launched thousands of missiles at Israel, invaded southern Israeli cities while killing hundreds of civilians, and taking hundreds of men, women and children as hostages

In Moses’ day, when the Jews safely reached the Arabian shore, God brought the parted waters down upon the entire Egyptian army, killing them all. Why? - Because of Pharaoh’s pride when he rejected God’s command to let God’s people go.

This miracle is a fact of history and a warning to all those who want to destroy the Jewish people. Thirty-five-hundred years ago it was Pharaoh who thought he could kill the Jews he had only days earlier released from slavery because of the tenth plague (death of the first born).

This week, with the help of Iran and other nations of the world, the Muslim Hamas and Hizbullah leaders think the time has arrived for them to wipe the Jewish state of Israel off of the map. The same God who parted the Red Sea is able to keep His Jews from being cast out of the Promised Land that God brought them back into after two thousand years of being scattered.

Throughout today’s study, Kevin compares these “then and now” scenarios, based on the prophetic promises of God pertaining to the future wars of Psalm 83, Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39.



You can also listen to an after service informal Middle East Update pertaining to the Hamas invasion of Israel here:

Maranatha – Jesus come quickly!

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