3 Ways Electric Bikes Can Help Shrink Your Waistline

7 years ago

Electrical bikes, or Ebikes as people like to call them, look just like your regular bicycle. The only difference is they have a motor that assists riders as they pedal, as well as a throttle, to ride your Ebike like a scooter, without pedaling. “Where’s the fun in that?” some might ask, but you might just be surprised.

There are currently 200 million electric bikes on the roads today - and that number is expected to grow by a lot in the next few years. Aside from looking really cool, these bikes could be helping you reach your fitness goals too! Fitness expert David Patania is giving you 3 big reasons you should be using e-bikes to trim some unwanted fat.

First of all, even with the motor, these bikes can help you burn calories and fat. The option of the motor is there if you need it, when you feel like you could use the extra boost.

If you have suffered an injury that has prevented you from feeling the thrill of riding a bike, the motor can help you enjoy your ride without having to think about what once happened.

The last, but not least reason to ride these Ebikes is that they save you cash, because, lo and behold, they are far cheaper than buying a car, and with that motor right there, you can reach your destination in the exact same time as riding a regular bike, without feeling winded or perspiring! How about that?

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