January 6 gallows – did the FBI build it?

1 year ago

January 6 gallows – did the FBI build it?
By Terry A. Hurlbut
An alternative-media team now claims they can explain a disturbing image from the January 6 event. At some time on January 6, 2021, someone erected gallows – and this gallows exactly framed the U.S. Capitol. Now comes a new team saying they can reconstruct the erection of the gallows. They also say they can trace a member of the “construction crew” to the FBI – by said crew member’s choice of coffee shop.
The January 6 gallows, and what the legacy media made of it
An Internet engine search turns up this article in The New York Times, dated June 16, 2022. It shows the most common image of the January 6 gallows, and credits it to Getty Images. This gallows stands on the far side of the Reflecting Pool on the National Mall. Looking through it, one can see the west elevation of the Capitol. Most ominously of all, the hangman’s noose hangs directly over the Capitol dome.
Catie Edmondson, author of the article, quotes a “pro-Trump online forum,” which she does not identify, as containing suggestions for building such a gallows. She also repeats a statement that circulated widely: namely that “rioters chanted ‘Hang Mike Pence!’ as they stormed the building.” But she disclaimed any definitive explanation of the gallows or who exactly erected it.
Snopes.com has two articles relating to this sideshow. One has the same gallows image The New York Times has. It also has two X (now Twitter) posts from accounts sympathetic to the government.
Who those people are, who allegedly smashed the camera equipment and fashioned a noose from camera cables, is not clear.
The other Snopes article attests to the “Hang Mike Pence” chant, by citing a reporter for Reuters.
But this reporter didn’t talk about a chanting mob. Instead he said three different people said they wanted to hang Pence from a tree near the Capitol. So their connection to the January 6 gallows becomes unclear immediately.
Ms. Edmondson went on to spin a lurid vision of opponents of the present government (and Democratic Party) wanting to execute people after the manner of the Jim Crow lynchings. She cited “experts” as agreeing on one thing: whoever erected the January 6 gallows wanted to instill fear.
All these articles came out in the summer of 2022. Less than three months later, President Biden made That Speech before an Independence Hall back-lit blood-red, with stone-faced Marine guards. In that speech Biden accused his political enemies of fomenting political violence. He did everything but call for a Ciceronian “Congressional Ultimate Joint Resolution” or something of the kind. That would be a resolution declaring Donald J. Trump, and all who voted for him, enemies of the State.
But much evidence has surfaced, though legacy media refuse to consider it, that the entry (lawful or unlawful) of some 200 people into the Capitol was a false-flag pseudo-operation. And furthermore, that the Federal Bureau of Investigation orchestrated it. This forms the basis for disqualifying Trump from running for President again, per Amendment XIV Section 3. Yet when the Biden government indicted Trump over the January 6 event, they never charged him with insurrection or rebellion.
But Rep. Liz Cheney (RINO-Wyo.), as ranking member of the January 6 Committee, asserted that Trump approved of threatening Mike Pence and others with death. Trump denied that canard, and posted that denial to Truth Social:
I NEVER said, or even thought of saying, “Hang Mike Pence.” This is either a made up story by somebody looking to become a star, or FAKE NEWS!
New investigation and complete January 6 pictures
Now an organization calling itself Open Ink has come forward, to Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit among other outlets. They say they can explain the gallows – because they have surveillance footage showing the crew that erected it.
Hoft’s article has another image of the January 6 gallows, from a different angle. This right front angle shot shows a sign, wedged under a cross brace, reading “THIS IS ART.” Never once has any outlet shown any such image to the public before today.
The infamous image came from one Tyler Merbler, who has this account on Flickr. But Tyler Merbler took five pictures, and only the last is consistent with the legacy media narrative. The first two have the THIS IS ART legend. (Note that he licensed all these images under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License. He labeled them Gallows and Gallows II through V.)
Mr. Ed Martin, of Pro-America Report, headlines a special collection of January 6 images and video. From the landing page one can see video of a crew of three wheeling a van onto the National Mall. (Two others arrive by taxi.) This cart is laden with the materials that later became the January 6 gallows. One can plainly watch that crew erect the gallows. Furthermore, not one Capitol or D.C. Metropolitan Police officer questions them.
This footage comes from the Oversight Subcommittee of the House Administration Committee. It is the result of the Republican Party “flipping” the House of Representatives last Midterms.
Who is Mister Coffee?
But even that isn’t the most damning footage, though it does provide a vital context for it. A member of that construction crew, wearing a trenchcoat and a Fedora hat, leaves the site, using a cane to walk, to buy coffee. Timestamps – and the lighting and shadow conditions – establish the hour as 6:45 a.m. EST, give or take five minutes. At that hour, very few coffee shops would be open.
He walks west along a walkway south of Madison Avenue, then turns north onto 3rd Street Southwest. Once he crosses Constitution Avenue, Southwest becomes Northwest. Eventually he crosses Avenue F Northwest and finds a little coffee shop on 3rd Street. This shop lies directly across 3rd Street from the J. Edgar Hoover Headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
When he returns to the construction site, the gallows stands. The crew admires their handiwork, and the location they chose. They then disperse, taking the van with them.
Those five remain unknown to the public to this day. Several obvious questions arise. Who would be brazen enough to buy coffee directly across the street from FBI Headquarters? That is, if he was not a federal agent. Why hasn’t the FBI figured any of this out? Wasn’t the footage available to them? And why did we have to wait for a Midterm flip of the House even to see this footage?
And why did neither the FBI nor the January 6 Committee investigate this at all?
An unsolved mystery
What follows is a paraphrase of the late Robert Stack, host of Unsolved Mysteries – and also of Ed Martin.
If anyone reading this has any information as to the identity, whereabouts – or fate – of “Mister Coffee” or any other member of that construction crew, please:
• Email proamericareport@open.ink, or
• Call (314) 256-1776
Do not call the FBI. They are likely “in on it.” Neither should you try to contact directly the (Sub)Committees on House Administration, Oversight, Judiciary, or Weaponization. Let Mr. Martin handle that.
Lastly we leave with you this interview with Gregg Phillips, head of Open Ink:

Link to:
The article:

Article in The New York Times: “‘So the traitors know the stakes’: the meaning of the January 6 gallows:

Snopes articles:

Posts from Snopes.com:

Cicero’s Anti-Catalinarian orations:

Trump denies threatening anyone:

Tyler Merbler Flickr account:

January 6 collection landing page:

Theme from Unsolved Mysteries:

Contact information for Ed Martin:
Email: proamericareport@open.ink
Tel: (314) 256-1776

Interview with Gregg Phillips, head of Open Ink:

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Conservative News and Views:

The CNAV Store:

Clixnet Media

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