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1 year ago

Trump Statement - Joe Biden Sold Our Wall For Pennies On the Dollar- I wonder if He Knew the Buyer 👀

“I built 561 miles of border wall between the United States and Mexico, as per the highest specifications of a great guy, Brandon Judd, and the U.S. Border Patrol, with a great Tom Homan Consulting.

This was more than 400 miles that I said I was going to build. I took it out of the military because I considered it to be an invasion of the U.S.

And despite the false promises of the broken old crow, Mitch McConnell, and RINO Paul Ryan, they fought us all the way. And who else fought us WAS Crazy Nancy and Crying Chuck Schumer, who just they couldn't allow this wall to be built, but I got it built anyway.

What a group of people. But I got the wall built, and I did things that nobody thought was possible, including stay in Mexico, catch and release, ending it, so many other things…

Crooked Joe comes in through a rigged election, and he starts saying that he doesn't want to build the wall.

And he sold all that beautiful wall that we just built that was laying on the ground, ready to be installed.

He sold it for pennies on the dollar. I wonder if he knew the buyer.

Now, after 15 million people, many from prisons and mental institutions, many terrorists, have invaded our country...>

And [Joe] didn't build it. It was there. He sold it. Now he wants to put up a little 20-mile, unspecified wall. It's a shame what's happening to our country.

People are pouring into our countries from prisons, from jails, from mental institutions, and terrorists are coming in every single day.

We got to make America great again, and we're going to do it.

We have to win our election in 2024. It's the biggest, most important election in the history of our country.”

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