United States of Rome

11 months ago

Audio recording of Solid Hope (Original Song) - United States of Rome
Politicians moan and groan to us.
We can only trust them to tax us.
The District of Columbia is ruled by Satanists.
They love to deceive you to think they are for you.

Republicans and Democrats. Conservatives and Liberals.
Secretly plot together to destroy our lives, Cutting deals together.
They steal from us; giving money to other nations to gain greed
for themselves. They say, "Let's make the people think we oppose each other."

How can you call yourself a Christian Democrat?
Just filter what they stand for through the Word of God.
Republicans play the Christian card very well,
but they unequally yoke together with false teachers.

They're preparing you for the New World Order; Beast
system. The Harlot of Babylon seduces the nations.
Let's tolerate bad behavior. Reward them for ungodliness.
Then you are as corrupt as them. Don't you know that you have to give an account?

I won't let the world squeeze me into its mold.
Don't let the world defile your mind.
God gave us the bible as a guide to follow.
Don't let these candidates for Antichrist deceive you.

The nations need to repent of all of their sins.
And seek God's will through the Holy Bible.

© Jason P. (Solid Hope)

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