JAKE TAPPER & CNN Get RED PILLED They Realize The LEFT Is Full Of CRAZY Terror Supporting EXTREMISTS

1 year ago

In today's video, we dive deep into the recent revelations within the Democrat Party. As the lines between moderate and progressive Democrats blur, some are asking, "Are we the baddies?" With CNN's Jake Tapper pointing out the eye-opening extremism within the left and the undeniable association between BLM and radical views on Palestine, we explore how the progressive left's alignment has led to an alarming acceptance of extremism. Join us as we uncover the real stance of the left, the danger of ignoring key indicators, and the need for accountability in supporting movements. #DemocratParty #ProgressiveLeft #JakeTapper #BLM #Palestine #Extremism #Politics #ConservativeReaction #CNN #News #CurrentEvents #DemocratSocialists #AntiColonialism #CapitalistCritique

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