Dark Souls (Full Soundtrack)

1 year ago

Composed by Motoi Sakuraba.

0:00 Prologue
3:46 Firelink Shrine
6:45 Taurus Demon
9:26 Bell Gargoyle
12:54 Pinwheel
15:12 Gaping Dragon
18:11 Chaos Witch Quelaag
20:52 Daughters of Chaos
23:48 Iron Golem
26:41 Ornstein & Smough
29:32 Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight
32:21 Great Grey Wolf Sif
35:44 Ceaseless Discharge
38:49 Centipede Demon
41:51 Four Kings
44:36 Seath the Scaleless
47:38 Gravelord Nito
50:49 Bed of Chaos
54:31 The Ancient Dragon
57:51 Crossbreed Priscilla
1:00:58 Dark Sun Gwyndolin
1:03:54 Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
1:07:34 Nameless Song
1:14:14 Sanctuary Guardian
1:16:47 Knight Artorias
1:20:04 Battle of Stoicism
1:22:19 Manus, Father of the Abyss
1:25:42 Kalameet

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