My Breast Cancer Journey | Part 1 | Diagnosis

1 year ago

To say the first few months of a cancer diagnosis are overwhelming is an understatement. So much information. So many tests. So. Many. Appointments. So many questions. So much research (if you're like me). And then you have all the follow up appointments and phone calls in-between. ...oh, and then that little thing they call surgery.

I've spent the past several months learning as much as possible about Invasive Lobular ER+, HER- breast cancer. In the process, I've gained an invaluable amount of knowledge that may benefit other women as they navigate their own journey.

I'm new to vlogging, but I'm excited to share my journey with you. I hope my videos will serve as a roadmap to help you prepare for your appointments, manage your journey, and ask tough questions of your doctors. I also encourage you to seek second opinions and consult with naturopaths.

In Part 1, I share what I learned from diagnosis to surgery, after meeting with at least 10 physicians from both conventional and naturopathic medicine. While conventional medicine is essential for diagnosis and treatment, we can and should also leverage complementary and alternative therapies. Unfortunately, these approaches are underutilized and rarely discussed...and often times, just as important.

00:00 Intro
6:00 Diagnosis
7:51 Emotions
13:11 Appointment with Oncologist
16:15 Appointment with Breast Surgeon
18:28 Appointment with Radiology Oncologist
19:23 Tamoxifen
20:20 Appointment with Naturopath
22:16 MRI
23:12 1st Appointment with Plastic Surgeon
26:33 2nd Opinion with Oncologist
27:11 2nd Appointment with Plastic Surgeon
28:34 3rd Opinion with Radiology Oncologist
29:55 Appointment with FABNO
35:05 Summary

It was impossible to condense my journey into one
Rumble video and so I've separated it into three parts (I'll add links once I've published them):
Part 1 - All the appointments, and all the research
Part 2 - Surgeries and healing
Part 3 - Radiation and prevention

➡️ I'm recording these videos in real time and am currently living "part 2" of my story. I should be able to share it in the next week or two.

🔴 Please feel free to connect with me.

#breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #breastcancerawareness

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