GTA IV - Agora Nicko trabalha para a Mafia

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Agora que Nicko matou Vlad não tem mais volta. Ele se vê envolvido completamente com a Mafia. Faustin queria matar Roman e Niko, mas Dimitri decidiu que era melhor empregar Niko como assassino e Faustin concordou, quando Mikhail atira no estomago de Roman este demonstra-se amigável ao pagar o tratamento. Nicko agora trabalha para Mikhail e Dimitri.

Dimitri Rascalov, nos anos seguintes o vício de beber e de cheirar cocaína aumentaram a paranoia e a fúria de Mikhail. Dimitri ficou viciado em analgésicos mas continuou calmo. Enquanto Mikhail começou a cometer atos extremamente violentos, até para o normal do crime organizado, Dimitri preferia negociar para aumentar os lucroscontinuamente dizendo a Mikhail para "jogar pelas regras".
Now that Nicko killed Vlad there is no going back. He finds himself completely involved with the Mafia. Faustin wanted to kill Roman and Niko, but Dimitri decided it was better to employ Niko as an assassin and Faustin agreed. When Mikhail shoots Roman in the stomach, he appears friendly and pays for the treatment. Nicko now works for Mikhail and Dimitri.

Dimitri Rascalov, in the following years his addiction to drinking and snorting cocaine increased Mikhail's paranoia and fury. Dimitri became addicted to painkillers but remained calm. While Mikhail began committing extremely violent acts, even for the average organized crime figure, Dimitri preferred to negotiate to increase profits by continually telling Mikhail to "play by the rules".

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