Gym Bros Keeping The Dojo Alive part 1.

1 year ago

to all the gym bros that's out there still going in after this horrible pandemic, at lest the good men the 9-5 men know if I'm heather than that rich mother. Iam already better then any rich person out there because not everyone be sipping on the stupid juice. on god if men where to go back out to the wild do any of you women think they would want to come back? to society. men had to build you think building this buildings and monuments just aperid out of nowhere. someone father died building the house, apt to you women who love to wear the tights and spanks to gym. on god if you were to wear that exclusively for your men he would come home, for he would have a reason too, but just like a muscle this has to be pounded into your womanly heads if a man say don't worry about it. this is your job take heed we men are not taking your bs anymore be a partner worth having not a burden let Z know your thoughts

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