SPECIAL REPORT: Hi, It’s Sabrina: First Contact: Sabrina Writes: Terral Responds: 10.14.2023

1 year ago

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First Contact: Sabrina Writes: Terral Responds to Sabrina
Written by Sabrina and Terral
OCT 14, 2023
Greetings to All:
Many thanks to Jill for introducing me to Sabrina Wallace by sending me this email.
On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 8:31 PM Jill wrote:
When you get a moment, this gal explains a bunch of deep stuff. She gets a bit angry at times & says she is saved, however her research is incredible. Her parents & grandparent worked on military projects. Very intelligent gal; she used to get me in a paranoid panic. I can handle it now though. We are raised & seated in high places far above all powers, principalities, might & dominion. Amen
Sabrina is obviously a gifted lady making many connections for understanding and disseminating the truth about what is really happening all around us. My concern is that Sabrina is running headlong into harm’s way while being unprotected by being on the Nano Silver - Sodium Borate regimen, which gives AI and the genocidal monsters the advantage. My immediate response was to publish this article:
Read the full reports by subscribing to the Black Star Report Newsletter for just $25 per year at https://www.terral03.com. Terral’s Substack: https://terral.substack.com/
Get Your Food! https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=6079775.af1982
Get Your Silver-Gold for SHTF:
Dan Thalhuber
License # 40648494
Cell: 651-888-1594
Bioweapon Threats:
Nano Silver Webinar Presentation: https://youtu.be/IoxFckpUq44
How to Mix, Use, and Store Your Nano Silver (Video): https://terral.substack.com/p/how-to-purchase-mix-use-and-store
Earth Clinic: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.html
Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borax
Morgellons Disease Treatment: https://www.brighteon.com/f0038520-18a7-4fc8-b60a-bf68c81896e1
NASA Future Strategic Warfare 2025: https://stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf (Page 93)
None Dare Call It Conspiracy: https://www.resist.com/Onlinebooks/None_Dare_Call_It_Conspiracy.pdf
Dakota Report (Operations Section): http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/1/dakota_report_disinfo.pdf
Nano Silver: https://www.nanosilver.com.my/nano-tech-facts/what-is-nano-silver/
Effect of silver nanoparticles on Candida:
Nano-based approach to combat emerging viral infection
Colloidal Silver vs. Nano Silver: https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/
News subscribers can get enough Nano Silver concentrate to make 15 liters of Nano Silver Solution (10ppm) for just $100 that includes shipping. Non-subscribers can get the same amount for just $115.
Everyone subscribing, upgrading, and donating receives the eBook version of The Mystery Explained.

Mystery Report Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMq6IynWMl2RPb57ErfkKvA

Brighteon Channel: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/terral03

More info at https://www.terral03.com

Contact Terral: terral@terral03.com

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