[archive] Flat Earth Conference Rome November 19, 2023 ✅

1 year ago

Published on Oct 9, 2023
Name of the conference is in Latin REVELATIO ORBIS TERRARUM (Revelation of the World)
Meeting will be also in English SPEAKERS: in alphabetical order:

Gabriele Ceracchini “Terra piatta: capire per credere” [Italiano]
Albino Galuppini “Mille anni mai trascorsi” [Italiano]
Sara Gamberoni “La forma della Terra, tra realtà e percezione” [Italiano]
Giancarlo Infante “La Terra è ferma” [Italiano]
Adrian van Weereld “Glass onion” [English]

place: Saint John Hotel https://hotelsaintjohn.it/en/
PRICE 20 euro including a Vegan Carpotechnic lunch break
contact person (Italian and English):
Patrizio Gaetani +39 3496701885 (+ WhatsApp + Telegram) email: patrick2035@icloud.com

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