60 Second Heart Chakra Meditation 432Hz | Close Your Eyes And Open Your Heart

1 year ago

The heart chakra mind center rules over one’s capacity for love and forgiveness. Realizing that forgiveness releases us from our pain, and through love of self, aligned with radical self acceptance, the energy of unconditional love may spill over to fill the cups of everyone you encounter.

Balancing the Heart Chakra will provide you with instant stress relief and give you the most relaxation and deepest sleep possible. Having this heart chakra mind center in Phi balance is the key to setting you free from the trap of the mundane and into mastery of your own conscious world. We can unlock the flow state within us when we align ourselves with Phi.

Bringing the Heart Chakra into balance will help you master one’s ability to forgive, which is the essence of inner peace, and transversely, one’s outer harmony.

Phi Tribe is your exclusive source for all music using balanced tuning, with an entire catalog of music created in 432Hz and utilizing Phi Tuning methods to suit any mood of activity.

Phi Tribe
It’s Deeper Than You Think.


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