10 / 13 / 2023 - The Marylou x Romi Shipping Situation

11 months ago

It's heartwarming to witness the passion and enthusiasm of fans who adore Catch! Teenieping. It's a show that undoubtedly holds a special place in our hearts. However, it's crucial to remember that not all fans share the same views and interpretations.

Recently, I've noticed some discussions on Twitter, primarily involving individuals, possibly kids, who are shipping Romi and Marylou as a lesbian couple. It's important to clarify that I harbor no ill will towards the LGBTQ+ community, as I WAS once apart of it. What I do wish to emphasize is that my perspective is influenced by my personal beliefs, which include religious and moral principles.

Now, let's set the record straight: I'm not here to be judgmental or hypocritical. I'm not here to target or condemn anyone. My primary concern is the emotional well-being of young individuals, particularly children who may be exposed to content that isn't age-appropriate. Trauma is something we should all strive to protect them from.

My sister Josenna has been actively engaging in these discussions, and I want to make it clear that any harsh words or judgments you might encounter are not coming from me. We must approach these conversations with empathy, understanding, and respect for differing viewpoints.

In the end, it's crucial for all of us, as fans, to remember that diversity of thought and interpretation can coexist with love for the show. Let's cherish the positive aspects of our shared fandom and maintain an environment of mutual respect and consideration.

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