Paul's Main Concern - Doctrine | Ep. 115 soundbite 3 #shorts

1 year ago

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and what? Doctrines of devils. You see, that's his concern. I wouldn't say it's his fear, but I would say it's his main concern because there's too many other doctrines out there and all doctrines that are contrary to sound doctrine are nothing other than doctrines of devils. That's his main concern. Teach them to teach no other doctrine than that which you have received, sound doctrine. Maintain it, because there are doctrines of devils out there that are seducing the simple-minded and the ignorant. So we realize, just by reading that verse and considering, that there is a doctrine of devils, that's explicit, and there is a doctrine of Christ and the apostles."

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Paul's Main Concern - Doctrine | Ep. 115 -
#shorts #doctrinesofdevils #sounddoctrine #doctrineofchrist #doctrineoftheapostles

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