Paragliding in Jan_Feb 2014 - I referenced Q... (found this on my old computer today)

11 months ago


Rather than a podcast monologue, my dialogue is written for you to enjoy below.

The Video: I found this on my old computer today while cleaning out old files and doing system updates/spring cleaning. My old paragliding video from early 2014!!!

The eery part of this paragliding video is the reference I made to 17 correcting my friend just past the timestamp of 03:17.

What relevance does paragliding have with the great awakening you may ask?

Good question. Probably none. Paragliding and end times isn't exactly something that goes together, but, It was me living my highest passion at the time!

This video does however remind me how far we've come as the events of 2014 that i'll mention below really drives it home how vastly diabolical our timeline could have played out without energies of light giving us a helping hand.

This footage of me flying was recorded in January 2014 and edited sometime before my accident April 2nd 2014 (April 1st - April fools day for Europe/USA).

Something that I discussed with Gene Decode on our upcoming show being released October 17th 2023 is a reference to that time when I noticed that the war began around the time I had my tragic accident.

Noting MH370 went missing a few weeks before my accident. Then the same year, only a few months later Malaysian flight MH17 was blown up over Russia/Ukraine in July 2014.

I remember being laid up in my hospital bed wondering why the world wanted to blame Russia for that incident, and saw the color revolution take place, the overthrow of the Ukraine government and as we now look back through the lense of the past, we can see how it was all connected.

We can see how the cabal really tried poking the bear and starting ww3 way back then. To no avail!

Q (Divine Source) had other plans... Timelines got changed in 2016 which really made a huge impact to the direction of the whole planet. Hillary thought the presidency was hers, let's not forget that! The plan shifted our timeline from an all out nuclear war and pandemic far more catastrophic than the world would ever have expected.

If we're here to have a whinge about the movie taking too long, then, we're on the good timeline! No matter how hard it gets.

Think of me, what i've been through, just to get to where I am today. And I still don't complain about my plight. Because it was meant to be. This was a certainty! I already knew that, even back then and I told the rescue crew that as I was bleeding to death in a dramatic race against time.

Now we look back, and we realize something striking - That number 17 didn't just start in 2017 with the Q posts. The story goes way deeper!

For me, the TIMING AND TIME STAMPS are important in this video. (including the forgotten reference to Q that I did and of course, highlighting the year that the energies of the great awakening/War against the cabal started increasing with vigor. 2014.

Please be respectful of synchronicity in your life as well as others regardless whether you've experienced them, or not. It only serves as a reminder and a little comm for ourselves that we are indeed within alignment and we can be confident that we are 'walking in concert with Divine Source co-creating in each of our moments in every day'.

The synchronicity must be highlighted no matter how unnoticeable it may appear to anyone else that might view this. And uploading them to my channel literally is THE LEAST I CAN DO considering the miracles that have kept me here ever since.

On an all encompassing intrinsic level, this video does however - place us back in 2014 as a reminder: "no matter how bad things may seem over the coming days weeks months, it was going to be a whole lot worse if Divine Source and galactic forces didn't assist us to a more gentle timeline than the Hillary timeline!”

Today, I get far more excited seeing humanity save each other through the great awakening with all of us each doing our part, piece by piece, bit by bit. We are all equal as we are all made of divine light souls that allow us to create which our enemies and dark forces, cannot. They can merely mimic or mirror. They hate us because humanity IS God. Each and everyone of us have Divine Light within.

Just a gentle reminder incase your analytical mind is starting to stink. The only answer to how we can gently ride the ascension process is to journey within and increase our relationship with God through ourselves rather than bending knees praying to something outside of ourselves. If you do it this way you'll pray and become 'PREY'! And, that's what dark forces want. Including the shaming dogma and feelings that we're not good enough for God.

Before my accident, I did wonder sometimes.

Since the accident, i've been grateful and my divine journey has only grown vastly ever since. Does it mean i'm squeaky clean and don't play up within this duality? The answer is ‘many would wonder whether I’m a Christian as I’m a very bold cheeky often beyond edgy with my personality traits. Some love me for that, some don’t. Fuck em’! Hehe.

REMEMBER Divine Energies are playful, cheeky, fun, irreverent, crude at times! And, nothing breaks a curse or a spell more effectively than a few swear words being used to break them here and there (within reason of course!)

Anyone still following old conservative dogma or beliefs of a jealous vengeful wrathful god is not getting the whole point of our unique expression and sadly still live within the confines of a belief system that no longer serves ANYONE on this earth.


The amount of radio shows where Q mentions this into the high dozens… He too 'swears by it' ;)

"Sometimes the syncronicities are only realized in deep hindsight - the bridge between 'then and the now' reminding you that 'everything was and is meant to be, no matter what! - All we have is each moment. Live long and prosper! (As Shrek once said in a tv show that I watched once)'

Matt MQ Circa 14-10-23

Go within + Live your highest passion big or small.

Matt MQ

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