I Played Very Bad Still Win or Lose ? [Xavier guide and Gameplay] | Mobile Legends

1 year ago

Xavier is most probably A or S tier Mage in SoloQ in current meta. Xavier can not only deal tremendous amount of damage but also provide additional cc with his 1st and 2nd skill combo.
In the video I get my butt blasted by Fanny, Xavier and Brody and then on the next game I meet Fanny and Xavier again and the match continues.

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And If there are any roles you want me to play or heroes make sure to let me know I'll try to play those heroes too.

In this Video you'll see ( Ignore ) :
Xavier Gameplay 2023
Xavier best build and Emblem set
Xavier 2023 build
Top Global Xavier Build 2023
How to Play Mage in mobile Legends
Mage guide and gameplay in mobile legends
Best Mage Gameplay in Mobile Legends
How to play Xavier mlbb
Mobile Legends gameplay
Mage tips and Gameplay
Mobile Legends guide
Mobile Legends Mage tutorial

Tags ( ignore ) :
#mobilelegends #mlbb #mageguide #xaviergameplay #xaviermlbb #giveaway

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