DHgate Louis Vuitton Style Coffret Tresor 24 Jewelry Box Trunk Unboxing & Review

1 year ago


💥LV Coffret Tresor 24 Jewelry Box Trunk LV M20292 (BOX SHOWN IN THIS VIDEO REVIEW):


💥SAME SELLER -LV Style Jewelry Box M13513:


💥SAME SELLER: LV Style Camera Box Trunk Bag M10079


SAME SELLER: Louis Vuitton 8 Watch Case Trunk Jewlery Box:



🌟Beautiful Bag Purse Acessories:

💥Fur Fox Tails Bag Charm Keychains:



💥Bag Converter Organizer Toiletry Pouch 26 (Black):


💥Beige Toiletry 26 Bag Converter Organizer:


💥Twilly Bag Scarves:


💥Gold Metal Fox Head Rabit Fur Bag PomPom:


💥Silver Bag O Rings:


💥Gold O Ring Connectors:


💥Light Gray Rabbit Fur Bag PomPom:


Snow Black Rabbit Bag PomPom:


💥Long Silver 47" Crossbody Strap:


💥Gold Thick Metal Chunky Chain 15.3" Light Gold:


💥Acrylic Resin Amber Tortoiseshell Orange Leopard Chunky Bag Straps 2 pc:


💥Rhinestone Bling Wristlet Bangle:


💥Rhinestone Evil Eye Bag Strap Extender:


💥Black Resin Acrylic Chunky Purse Handle Chain 15": (Get Extra Silver O Rings Above To Attach & Extend It For This Bag)


💥Resin Acrylic Wristlet Bag Keychain Bangle:


💥47 inch Gold Crossbody Purse Chain:


💥Brown Thick Chunky Acrylic Resin Strap:



🌟Note: For Entertainment & Educational Purposes Only - This is an educational video just to see show you a comaprison of bags for educational purposes.

Your DHgate or Private Seller Designer Bag Purchase Experience May Be Different Than Mine. I am not responisble if you have a different outcome or opinion. I DO NOT sell these bags or designer inspired bags or accessories and this is just an educational lesson.

I am a guinea pig and buy from different sellers just to see what I get at different price points and to see what is being sent randomly for educational purposes.

I do not receive free bags and am not being promoted by the sellers or Dhgate or from Private Sellers. You are getting an unbiased review and scientific data.

#dhgatebaghaul #dhgatefinds #bougieonabudget #dhgateunboxing #dhgatebougie #boujie on a budget #boujie #dhgatedesignerbags #dhgate #dhgategucci #designerdhgate #dhgatereplicabags #dhgatedesigner #dhgatedupes #dhgatereplica #guccireplicas #designerreplicas #dhgatepursehaul #dhgatehaul #dhgatefendi #fendibag #dhgatelvbag #dhgatebag #dhgatefind #bougieonabudget #boujie #bougie #dhgatelouisvuitton #designerbagreplicas #designerbagdupe #dhgatedesigner #dhgate #dhgatedesignerbags l#vbulldog #louisvuittonbulldog #louisvuittonkeychain #louisvuittonbagcharm #dhgateunboxing #baghaul #designerbag #designerbagcollection #lvbagunboxing #louisvuittonbagunboxing #louisvuittontrunk #louisvuitton8watchcase #louisvuittonalmavernis #louisvuittonutilitycrossbody #louisvuittontwinny #lvtwinny #louis vuitton side trunk #louisvuittonpochettevoyage #lvtoiletry26 #louisvuittonjewelrybox #louisvuitton8watchcase #louisvuittonalmapm #dhgatealmapm @lvalmapm #lvblackvernisalma #vernisalmapm #louisvuittontrunk #louisvuittonjewelrybox #louisvuittoncoffrettresor24

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