Seattle Teen Scratched by Werewolf of Squak Mountain #cryptids #werewolf #creepy #scarystory #scary

1 year ago

This suspenseful tale wanders deep into the dark, winding streets of Seattle where William, a young outcast, grapples with a terrifying transformation.

As full moons rise, so does the city's fear.

Join his journey from Squak Mountain's eerie trails to the city's hidden horrors.

#lycanthropy #werewolf #werewolves #scary #scarystory #horrorstory #wolfman #wolfboy #SeattleSecrets #SquakMountainMystery #LycanLore #PacificNorthwestPredator #UrbanUnearthly #HowlingHorrors #NightlyNightmares #MoonlitMysteries #GothicGrowls #FullMoonFright #SeattleShadows #LycanthropyLegends #MountainMonsters #DuskDangers #TransformationTales

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