1 year ago


Here is a Music Video I made with a song I wrote, recorded, produced. I am releasing my album of 12 songs on October 20, 2023. (NEXT FRIDAY). It should be available on most platforms by then.

I have a music page and distribution under CHEXFIVE MUSIC (somethimes just ChexFive) Facebook is to listen to other songs that will be on the album that is going to be released Oct 20, 2023. The songs are just getting released so they will probably trickle in in the next several days.

I hope you like the song. This is what many Americans are seeing and living through so I just had to write a song about it. Another political song on the album is called "SOMETHING'S GOING ON" tells another story about how Americans feel betrayed by the system that is supposed to represent us. As I listen across media many talking heads would say? There's something going on with our government, it's acting weird and going after it's own people, so I had to write another song about how we are angry about the blatant hypocrisy. It would be one thing to tell me that the vax is safe and effective and I could not find one person negatively effected by the vax, but I know people that are having difficulties and that proves they also know and since they know and we know too then it is ludicrist not to address it, which proves we are not lying, they are. These were and still are conspiracies and they actually happened, not tinfoil hat stuff.

7 of the 12 songs on the album were recorded 25 to 30 years ago using a 2 cheap cassette players. Since they were recorded on cassette there is no digital version and no way to separate out the layers and tracks in a clear usable way, I've used AI to try and isolate and pull music or vocals out separately but I didn't think the AI was that good to make anything usable for me. So the older songs aren't Dolby high tech 7.1 surround sound but I did have to enhance some parts because of static from the original cassette recordings.

I also have 2 Instrumental Songs on the Album as well #11 & #12
#11 - IN GOD'S TIME is a good instrumental/choir song.

The album has 3 Metal Rock aspects, 3 other songs are Country/Acoustic/Folk. 2 Instrumentals. 2 Political/Rock songs. 2 Love songs.

My personal favorites off this album are songs 1 & 2 Political songs because it just fits the time and it is needed to hopefully open some peoples eyes, or do some kind of good overall somehow. Thank You

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