Oct 13th Space News , Asteroids , Coming 3rd Secret of Fatima

1 year ago

News from space from spaceweather, and other news.
October 13 th is the anniversary of the miracle of the Sun in Fatima Portugal in 1917.
It's no coincidence that all these events are tying in together like a piece of a puzzle falling into place.
Combine with the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible the third secrets that was revealed piece by piece gives us for those who can see the picture.

One of the clues combine states fire from the sky falling from the heavens, and destroying one third.
Judgment punishment raining down.
Revelation 17 verse five gives us a clue who that is...
If asteroids were to rain down in the Atlantic Ocean causing massive tsunamis, great earthquakes, it would destroy one third.

The ashes and smoke would blacken out the sun for three days.

October 14th eclipse is a sign.

This is just one piece of the puzzle.
Will this happen God only knows
The Miracle of the Sun in Fatima October 13, 1917

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