Cults are Crashing - You Have Nowhere To Hide Dan Andrews & Co

1 year ago

Thank you Lizzy & Co

I have actually been down to the Melbourne tunnels…different tunnels around Melbourne on 10 occasions. I have also been to the docks… there was body after body after chain after rack after cage being thrown onto a shipping container… I heard noises of children still wailing. It’s very emotional to talk about. I’m telling you, this is real… and for anyone who is watching this and saying release the footage, when it’s right and safe to do so – by safe I mean legally – remember that I’m speaking to lawyers and barristers and they say ‘Lizzy, you aired it or you released a photo and now it can’t be used as evidence in court.’ I have been advised because of those reasons, I can’t share certain things.

I have a photo of Daniel Andrews dressed in a red and black robe and standing with seven other people dressed the same around an altar, a cement slab if you like, with a baby, crying, moving… you can see the child is alive. I don’t know what happened after that. I wasn’t able to see whether he was killed…it was a male child…and there is no disputing it was Daniel Andrews. This is not how you run a government. It’s satanic. And we will not put up with it.

A councillor told Lizzy that he had never been invited to a ritual because he wasn’t that important but if he was, he would never go. He told Lizzy to leave it alone and that the people who do that are only the elite – the very few in the Freemasons – and it’s a death warrant if you explore this.

Is anybody watching this going to explore Fabians? Not just online or on Google. Are you going to go in undercover like I do? Are you willing to put your head on the chopping block so that you can get multiple layers of evidence in multiple locations with multiple corrupt officers, councillors, mayors, politicians so we can then, with Serene Teffaha…and a whole pile of other barristers who I won’t name because they are dark…as in, they are good people but they work for the dark people. But they are supporting this action.

If you’ve got intelligence, you’ve got footage, you know people, names, contacts, tell me because I am willing to hunt it down and expose it legally. The idea is to bring this all down, expose as much as you can handle, change the rules and regulations of our country and Victoria particularly – the only state that has been sold to China. And have a new world. Because I want to go back to having a new world as well – being happy and running my business and spending time in paddocks with pregnant horses like I did yesterday and doing psychic readings.


Lara Logan Reveals Why Innocent Children are Vital to the Elite's SICK Agenda


Ex 60 Minutes reporter and war correspondent Lara Logan revealed the following facts:

Ericsson and all these other tech companies in this tiny circle, have connected every evil person in the world. They have given them a home, given them solidarity. They have helped build these networks.

They provide live rapes online where pedophiles and other sadistic people can tune in and tell people ‘Oh, do this to her, or to him, or to the child.’ They can jump in live.
Technology companies control those livestreams. They control the movement of that data. They could cut it off any time they want to. Governments can cut it off any time they want to. But they choose not to do so. They allow the dark web to exist in a digital world where every single thing is traceable. They do absolutely nothing to stop it.

There is an entire genre of pornography now called sadistic pornography where they come up with the most indescribable ways to hurt children. And to hurt victims of trafficking. They have certain veins that they cut in advance of babies and children because some people want them to bleed – they want a blood show when they rape them to death.
These are real things. Every single thing I have described for you is real. This is not based on rumour. This is based on first hand accounts.

Hands Off Our Children music video by Joydah Mae:

To anyone out there who feels alone in the stand against harm for our children, you are not on your own. We all stand side by side, by your side, protecting our children.

This song belongs to you too, this is our collective truth. The power of our unity strengthens our voice. It is our way of reclaiming the freedom of parents and guardians right to choose and to protect.

So together we say “Hands Off our Children”

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