Modern Humanity: A World Without Principle

11 months ago

Folks, I would never expect that I would agree with these two broadcasters in human principle. And this is the first time I listen to this woman! At least we still have someone in this vast humanity trying to hold the humanity close to their heart and trying to live up to human principle.
-I would feel rotten and guilty if I did not share with you this special segment.
-(As an ex-catholic boy, I remember "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36).
-“We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves. ”― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
-Thus I concluded that people are fooled again and again and all over again NOT because they are ignorant or stupid, but because they have no principle.
You can watch and listen to the full show here:

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