RageCast 383: DAY OF RAGE

Streamed on:

830 pm EST

Guys, I have to say ive been overwhelmed with the support from the #DayOfRage hashtag.

Its been a long haul but getting my own day of recognition, from the Islamic world at that, has been quite an honor.

An entire day, just for me. Incredible!

I wanted to take the day off to celebrate but @TheLegendofGregArcade shamed me into it.


Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident) *
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/RagingDissident) *
Odysee (https://odysee.com/@RagingDissident:0) *
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@ragingdissidentVI/streams) *
Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident) *

YouTube is banned once again for "hate speech" which translates to criticism of Jewish power. Back to the alt-platforms, you racist scum!


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