Episode 153 Being Real with Kasia & Dusty

1 year ago

On the first segment of Being Real with Dusty, we meet an incredibly talented and wonderful gem.

Kasia Fryklund has a long list of talents from being a Music Producer, artist, Clothing Designer, sound healer… to name a few but most importantly, a mama to her sweet little boy.

Dusty had the pleasure of attending one of Kasia’s events and truly felt the impact her healing has & wanted to share that beauty with us and our community 🥰

They chat about their spiritual journey and learning all the lessons in life that elevate you to next levels. How gratitude is the absolute key to an abundant life & what it feels to fall into alignment with your purpose.

A beautiful, real conversation of life’s realizations, blessings and healings.

This is what we live for 😍

Thank you so much again Kasia!
🎙️ Episode 153
🎥 Video: Rumble, YouTube & Spotify
🎧 Audio: Spotify, Apple, Anchor & Google
📍 SZN•6 Highlight for links
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