Prepping for the next Terrorist Attack & Financial Collapse

1 year ago

Given what is currently going on in the world in #Israel and the War in #Ukraine, and the hundreds of cases of people on the Terrorist Watchlist being stopped at our Southern border, the threat of terrorist attacks happening in the U.S. is a real concern.

In addition, the threat of our looming financial crisis with rising inflation, the $33 Trillion National Debt, and the printing of even more money to support possible war internationally... it all leads to one thing.

You NEED to be #prepping for a #shtf scenario. We would be facing food shortages, extended blackouts if our power grid was attacked, and general civil unrest and rioting that we would need to be able to defend ourselves against.

I hope you will find the prepping suggestions in this video helpful as we prepare for the worst case scenario in the event of a terrorist attack and a catastrophic financial collapse.

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